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72-Inch Diameter Piping is Best for Commercial Piping

72-inch diameter piping

Photo by tuproyecto on Pixabay

In the commercial piping industry, there are a lot of details to consider. These facilities tend to go with the largest piping option, which is 72-inch diameter piping. What are the benefits of using 72-inch diameter piping? In most cases, it’s because the pipes need to handle a high volume and high pressure without failing.

The challenge is that installing these large-diameter pipes or repairing them used to be a major hassle. Thanks to technology, things have greatly improved through the years.

High Volume Flow

72-inch diameter piping allows for maximum flow space and high volumes. Think of pipeline needs such as mainframe sewage infrastructures. Or what about water flow for a city? There are other high-flow capacity needs. You see these large diameter pipes in place in locations like storm drains and sewage drains, but that’s not their only use.

When you have a facility or a need for piping that can manage a high volume flow, this is the diameter that will pass the test.

Pressure Ratings

Now, consider the pressure ratings that are needed for this piping requirement. In most cases, when there are higher flow volumes, there are also much higher pressure volumes. Of course, the pressure rating requirements are simply going to depend on what the piping is being used for.

When you need high pressure stability, large-diameter piping can give that to you. UV piping infrastructures are pressurized systems that can handle high pressure demands. They are more durable because the large diameter is reinforced with sufficient strength to handle high demands.

Durable and Resistant

Large-diameter piping will take a beating. It doesn’t matter what the usage is; this piping will handle all of it with ease. It’s designed to be able to take on high demands and not fail the system. Is your system deep beneath the ground? Or perhaps it’s in the open and soaks up all of the UV rays. Either way, these pipes are durable and resistant.

Our large-diameter piping services will stand up to the test of time and demand. They won’t fall apart from wear and tear. They’re going to be resistant to corrosion and they’re going to hold fast when the going gets tough. After all, that’s what this type of piping is for.

Common 72-inch Diameter Piping Usage

The right time and place for large-diameter piping does exist. Whether or not it’s the right solution for your commercial designs will simply depend on the needs of the piping and the space to establish it. Large diameter provides extensive flexibility. These are some common uses:

  • Stormwater drainage or retention
  • Water movement
  • Wastewater
  • Irrigation systems
  • Hydroelectric establishment
  • Utility holes and similar structures
  • Industrial piping
  • Culverts

Advanced Pipe Repair is Here for Your 72-inch Diameter Piping Needs

We’re here for all of your large-diameter piping needs. Advanced Pipe Repair provides a wide variety of services, including UV large-diameter piping solutions. Contact us to make plans for your piping needs.
