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Burst Underground Pipe in Spring, Texas? Not a Problem!

Burst Underground Pipe in Spring, Texas? Not a Problem!2018-10-25T18:21:08+00:00

For business owners and municipal waterway operators, a burst underground pipe is a huge expense. Just the cost of digging and the damage it does to the surrounding landscape is substantial. Because those things don’t even include the expense of fixing the pipe itself, the cost just keeps growing. The good news is that the traditional way of fixing a burst underground pipe is a thing of the past for Spring, Texas. It is possible to fix that broken pipe without any digging at all.

Fix a Burst Underground Pipe in Spring Without Digging

Traditionally, it was economically sound to wait until a pipe burst before you fixed it. The problem is that by the time you discovered a broken or leaking pipe, the damage had been done. It is now economically feasible to preemptively fix old or aging pipes well before they break and wreak havoc. Thanks to an innovative technology called CIPP lining, you can repair those old pipes without digging. It also costs about a fraction of the price of older ways of fixing underground pipes.

What is a CIPP Lining?

A CIPP lining is an innovative epoxy liner that you inject into a pipe that finds and mends the problem. Once the epoxy cures, all you have to do is use robotics to connect pipes underground, and then the pipe is ready to use. Therefore, there is no mess, no construction, and no hassle involved. You can fix pipes without any of the traditional hurdles or inconveniences.

Preemptively Fixing Pipes Now Makes Sense

If you are getting complaints about low water pressure or contaminated water, now is the time to fix those pipes. A CIPP liner will increase water pressure flow, and it can wrap pipes to eliminate harmful contaminants that can leak into the groundwater. You don’t have to pull up those degraded and environmentally dangerous pipes. You can seal them with a CIPP lining and stop any contamination from leaking into waterway systems and affecting the people who drink it or bathe in it.

Thanks to an innovative new product, you no longer have to bear the expense of a burst underground pipe in Spring, Texas. Your pipe can be fixed without any digging or destruction. It can also be fixed for a fraction of the price, without your business losing traffic due to construction or having to replace destroyed landscaping. If you have aging pipes, a CIPP lining is also a great way to insulate them. That way they can’t carry harmful contaminants or do damage to surrounding groundwater. Check out Advanced Pipe Repair today to find out how to line or fix old, aging, or burst pipes underground without having to dig anything at all.