Natural gas, sewer, cable, and other kinds of lines are often laid underground. Before a new line can be laid in the same area, it’s essential to undertake a thorough inspection of the area. This is known as a cross boring inspection. Cross boring can be a dangerous situation. It occurs when a new line is drilled into one of the existing lines. Inspecting for a potential conflict can reduce risk and minimize extra costs.
Why Cross Boring is Dangerous
Understanding the risks of a cross boring project can make a difference between life and death. In most parts of the country, natural gas is the most commonly occurring underground line. Similarly, sewage lines need to be sought out and marked with care. No matter the kind of existing line, knowledge is power. The cross boring prevention process can keep people safe from unnecessary harm. The team at Advanced Pipe Repair is ready to help minimize risks.
Using a Robotic Lateral Launch System
When it comes to finding out about potential risk factors, robotic lateral launch systems are the way to do it. These types of systems are used to make the inspection process quick, easy, and thorough. Over the last several years, camera inspection technology has been getting better and better. Unlike old camera systems, more modern cameras have the ability to rotate to collect information about the entire space.
But What Really Makes A Robotic Lateral Launch System Work?
When you schedule an inspection, our team will obtain existing information about the area–including schematics and reports about the lines that may be below the surface. This is helpful because other lines are not always visible. When the work begins, an applicable manhole or another point of entry will be opened. The robotic lateral launch system is inserted and the cross bore scanning truly begins. As the robot system scans the pipes, it will reveal the additional connections that might exist. The robotic system will move through each pipe, from the entry point to where it enters the building’s foundation.