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Five Pipe Problems CIPP Fixes Fast

Photo by herbert2512 on Pixabay

Pipe Problems Photo by herbert2512 on Pixabay

People who manage a building or business already have enough on their plates. They don’t need the added burden of plumbing problems. Unfortunately, plumbing issues sometimes come with the territory of management. The good news is that a straightforward process called CIPP can fix almost all of these problems. Cured In Place Pipelining is a repair method that places one pipe inside another pipe. Keep reading to learn about some of the pipe problems CIPP can fix.



Rust is a major concern for pipes, but by examining the color of your water, you can know if your building’s pipes have rusted. If a reddish brown color starts flowing out of your sinks, you’ve got rust. You’ve also got a really frustrating conundrum. If water causes rust, and your pipes exist to carry water, then how on earth are you supposed to fix a rust problem in your water pipes? Thankfully, rust is one of the pipe problems CIPP can fix. Water will flow through the CIPP liner, bypassing the outer pipe. Your water will be clean and healthy again.



Pipe leakage will make water pool in different places. Sometimes it will pool indoors in places like basements and crawlspaces. Or you might notice puddles outside your building, even if the weather has been dry. Flooding is yet another pipe problem CIPP will fix. The resin in the CIPP tube will fuse to the host pipe during the curing process, sealing away the leaks that cause flooding.


Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure may or may not be an easy fix. Sometimes you may just need to replace a faucet. If, however, you’ve noticed low water pressure coming from more than one source, your pipes might be the problem. Occasionally when a pipe bursts or leaks, enough water escapes the pipe to cause low pressure from faucets. By now you know that CIPP can help. Just like with flooding, CIPP fixes the problem by fusing to the outer pipe and sealing the cracks.


Root Damage

One surprising pipe problem CIPP can eliminate is root damage. CIPP liners do not have joints or seams, which means that roots have no access point to infiltrate the pipe. You can use CIPP to repair existing root damage or as a preventative measure.


Weakened Pipes

Depending on the age of your building, the material of your pipes could come from a number of sources, such clay or PVC. Older pipes may have weakened over time, causing corrosion or other kinds of damage. CIPP can repair pipes, but it can also reinforce pipes, strengthening them and adding protection from future issues.


Contact Us

Advanced Pipe Repair only uses CIPP and other trenchless technologies to repair your pipes. We prefer trenchless services because we want to restore your pipes while causing you as little distraction as possible. We understand that you’re busy and that every minute counts, so we take your time seriously. If you’ve noticed any of the above pipe problems, CIPP might be the answer. Contact us to find out.
