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RCP Joint Repair

RCP Joint Repair2024-02-08T20:08:10+00:00


Every type of pipeline situation deserves repairs that are effective and lasting. When it comes to materials like RCP and RCP joints, you need a reliable solution that won’t require heavy excavation equipment or extensive labor to complete. RCP, or reinforced concrete pipe, is one of the most common piping solutions for storm drainage and large-diameter pipelines.

From the flow and structure of the pipes to handling the RCP joints, CIPP is one of the most effective solutions that you can use for these systems. Imagine needing repairs on reinforced concrete pipes in locations that are hard to reach, or that affect mainframe systems. The expenses of labor, access, and making the repair could be astronomical.

But don’t forget about reliable solutions such as CIPP. Advanced Pipe Repair can help you evaluate your RCP pipelines and joints to help you determine the best plan of action for repairs. Contact us today for your repair needs.

Common RCP Issues

Common RCP Issues

Reinforced concrete pipes are used because they are durable and can handle just about anything. But over time, they will face some challenges. The thing is, this reinforced concrete is still susceptible to freezing and thawing, weakening, cracks, leaks, and other issues.

The most common problems with RCP are separated or broken joints. That is where RCP joint repair comes into play. These are some of the causes of these joint problems:

  • Freeze and thaw cycles
  • Vibration that affects the pipeline
  • Poor installation
  • Age
  • Decomposition
  • Weakened bedding surrounding the pipelines

In many cases, your RCP systems may be affected by multiple issues, not just one. These pipes are often left alone to do their thing until you can no longer avoid or ignore an issue, and repair becomes a must.

RCP systems typically fall into the large-diameter piping category, but it is possible for them to be smaller in some cases. The average RCP line is 36 inches or larger. CIPP still works as a plausible solution with these massive pipelines.

Effective RCP Joint Repair Solutions

Effective RCP Joint Repair Solutions

When it comes to making repairs, there are several different options. It will be necessary to evaluate the pipeline and the extent of damage to determine the best approach to repairs. Some companies use polyurethane grouting to help fill in voids or seal together joints that have cracks and other issues.

In some cases, you may need to fill in soil or voids surrounding the pipeline due to weakened bedding. Even when soil needs to be filled in to protect the structural system, it is best practice to protect the RCP with polyurethane resin and integrative materials that can protect the pipeline and make the necessary repairs due to the soil erosion surrounding the RCP.

High-Quality RCP Joint Repair with CIPP

High-Quality RCP Joint Repair with CIPP

Thanks to evolving technology, there are now better solutions to make RCP joint repair without trenching and excavation. With the placement of RCP often falling into culverts and storm drainage systems, it is rarely feasible to bring in heavy equipment to make repairs. Instead, you need quick solutions that will last for the long haul.

CIPP, or cured in-place pipe, can provide just such a solution. CIPP has been known to last 50+ years when used properly and requires no trenching to complete. Making repairs with CIPP offers extensive benefits, and it simplifies the repair process for RCP joints and pipelines.

CIPP can effectively seal and remedy a wide variety of repair needs for joints. This includes cracks, distended joints, broken joints, separated joints, and more. Given the location and the need for quick repairs, CIPP is the top choice for RCP repair. Restore your pipeline quickly with limited downtime and no heavy equipment required.

The CIPP Process

The CIPP Process

When CIPP is used to make RCP joint repair, there is a process to follow. We need to ensure that CIPP is the most appropriate solution and to assess the damages to the pipeline in question. We can use UV lighting to help improve the curing process and get your pipeline repairs completed in under 24 hours. In some cases, the repair may take only a few hours.

The process works like this:

  1. Complete a thorough inspection of the pipelines to assess damages
  2. Clean the pipeline to allow a clean sealing from CIPP
  3. Insert the CIPP tube into the appropriate area for repair
  4. Adhere the CIPP liner to the affected area
  5. Allow time for the curing process
  6. Complete a final inspection to ensure repairs are made appropriately

CIPP is a very thin tube material that is coated in polyurethane resin. The tube is inserted into the RCP using a robot. If the pipe is not large enough for a robot, we will use a smaller electronic device with video capability. Once the tube is properly inserted and adhered to the repair site, the curing process begins. With traditional CIPP, curing can take several hours, especially for large-diameter pipelines. Thanks to improved technology, we can use UV CIPP and cure approximately 1 meter per minute, significantly improving curing times.

CIPP repairs last for 50+ years, providing you with an extensive and reliable solution for many years to come. There is no digging required, and your RCP joint repair can occur through a utility hole or any open access point. Skip the trenching and digging while still getting effective repairs made.

Let Advanced Pipe Repair Take Care of Your RCP Joint Repair

Let Advanced Pipe Repair Take Care of Your RCP Joint Repair

These systems are often extensive and hard to reach. That doesn’t mean that you have to shut down traffic, close a road, or spend days with heavy equipment trying to complete a repair. Instead, with some simple collaboration, you can have the repairs made in under 24 hours using CIPP.

Advanced Pipe Repair has been serving the pipeline repair industry for more than 30 years. We use the latest technology and training available to ensure your repair needs are met with solutions you can trust. Contact us today for RCP joint repair.