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Vertical Pipeline Rehabilitation

Vertical Pipeline Rehabilitation2021-07-28T15:00:31+00:00
vertical pipeline rehabilitation

Advanced Pipe Repair has skilled plumbing and construction professionals who can solve a wide variety of problems. This is an excellent feature to consider when dealing with commercial buildings. Each building is different. Within each building are quirks. Elements that were installed long ago may no longer function properly.

Our team understands what goes into repairing vertical pipelines, including roof leaders, electrical conduits, and chiller pipelines. Additionally, we take care to address cosmetic changes and leave you with a solid, functional, and visibly acceptable repair.

Some benefits of vertical pipeline rehabilitation with Advanced Pipe Repair include:

  • Lower costs and faster repair times.

We do our best to minimize the end cost to you. This doesn’t mean a lower-quality repair. This means that we work quickly to get the job done and get you back to work. Whenever possible, using no-dig solutions to complete repairs will make these savings even easier to obtain.

  • 50 years of pipe life.

Pipes that have been repaired through cured in place piping (or CIPP) are strengthened for at least 50 years. Completing these repairs before total pipe failure occurs can improve the health and wellness of your entire plumbing system.

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