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What Are Your Pipes Made Of?

Photo by Mark Eder at

Technology for piping materials has come a long way over the past 50 years. Unfortunately, not everyone has new piping systems. Many municipalities around Texas have degrading pipes that might be leaking harmful contaminants into the waterways. But to rip out and completely redo an entire waterway system is not economically feasible for most cities. The good news is that regardless of what your pipes are made of, there is a quick and easy fix to make those old pipes like new again: a CIPP lining.

Old Piping Materials

Pipes that were laid from about 1930 to 1980 are probably made from galvanized steel. Although it was a viable material for piping in the past, it can begin to break down over time. When that happens, the coating deteriorates, and eventually the interior of the pipe will rust. That can lead to reduced water pressure and sometimes clogged pipes. Older pipes were also made from lead because it could resist holes and leaks. But as they start to degrade, the lead can leak into the water supply and contaminate drinking water.

The Traditional Way of Replacing Pipes

The reason that outdated piping systems remain even when they are breaking down or leaking is due to the cost of traditional pipe replacement. In the past, pipes had to be excavated, ripped out, and completely replaced. That meant a heavy expense for municipalities – one that many cities simply can’t afford. The good news is that you can now fix degrading pipes without any excavating thanks to the new option of CIPP lining.

What is a CIPP Lining?

A CIPP lining is an epoxy material that you inject into the pipe and it coats it from one end of the pipe to the other. There is no reason to excavate the pipe at all. Not only does it ensure that there is no contamination leaking into the waterways; it can also repair leaks and cracks with ease. A CIPP lining can decrease corrosion, help to increase water pressure, and unclog pipes too. It is an excellent panacea for whatever ails your degrading pipes. The best part is that it costs significantly less than traditional pipe repair and replacement.

In previous generations, pipes were constructed of heavy metals that worked well for the time. But over time, those old pipes have begun to degrade and pulling them out is a huge expense. Thanks to a CIPP lining, you can repair old pipes for a fraction of the cost, without the mess, and without the hassle. Contact Advanced Pipe Repair today to discuss how we can help with your old and cracked pipes.
